Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Child to Pro: Movement Acquisition & Obesity Reduction Model

When I was younger, I didn't worry about obesity and I participated in cardio only to amuse the coaches of my sports teams. It was a rare day when the motivation to go for a run, 3 hour bike ride or a walk up the side a steep mountain worked its way into my, or my parents consciousness; all of which I do on a weekly basis at this point. Luckily sports weren't expensive in little town NL, so I played a lot of them, and therefore built strong cardiovascular & movement foundations by chasing people and balls around various sports venues. Sports in Newfoundland is what I call the poor mans daycare. I would leave the house and come home for meals and usually before dark...then repeat.
More importantly, it was affordable to do. The costs of local summer sports programs were low, and the after school sports programs provided by PE teachers. Even the travel teams were cheap. The travel was provided by parents at no additional costs. Usually the kids were always boarded by the local sports programs and their supporters. So, what's the point??? This isn't 1984 and this isn't NL. But, due to lifestyles vastly different from the days of my childhood, kids today don't naturally fend off obesity & affordable movement skill acquisition is nearly impossible to find. The answers to improving movement literacy and reducing obesity are right in front of our noses; the collective "we" have to step up and consistently contribute in a little way.

  • Statistics say that the number one predictor of health, longevity and disease-free living is ones cardiovascular state. It also says that overweight children become obese adults.
  • Childhood obesity is an epidemic & growing globally, particularly in North America. Everything you absolutely need to know is on this 1 page read. http://childhoodobesityfoundation.ca/what-is-childhood-obesity/statistics/ 
  • More than ever, kids attention spans have been reduced. But, the current fitness cardio models require long, slow. boring movement.
  • Our current PE programs focus too much on fun, self-selection / freedom of movement or structured competition. Longevity is improved by creating success with & using all of the above.
  1. Rid Canada of uncoordinated, unhealthy children at almost no cost to the families
    1. Help create awareness about childhood obesity
    2. Create a give by many to many attitude amongst skilled providers
    3. Improve the physical literacy of kids
    4. Improve the availability of skilled movement literacy to those who can't afford high end training.
  1. Childhood obesity is an epidemic and it's getting worse.
  2. The cost of sport and physical preparation is out of reach for most.
  3. Most kids, due to the above miss critical windows of development. http://canadiansportforlife.ca/learn-about-canadian-sport-life/ltad-stages.
  4. I have an extensive resume of training youth & a youth movement based educational model designed to improve movement literacy, athleticism & youth health profiles.
  5. The current initiatives require too much structure & equipment. They are often created by large organizations & designed to sell product.

Here's the plan:

Phase 1: run a 1hr pop-up SAQ (speed agility &quickness) session for kids ages 5-7, 8-10 each week.

Phase 2:
  1. Collaborate with high schools PE teachers, sports teams, the fitness industry, mom's & dad's.
  2. Provide a non / limited equipment based physical literacy curriculum to all of those interested above.
    1. via weekly workouts & YouTube videos.
    2. Create an open access on-line library
  3. Find a champion in each major city and suburb.
  4. Create a website & FB page outlining all of the above & including various pop-up and organized weekly locations.
Phase 3:
  1. Bring-on a nationwide portable equipment sponsor
  2. Link up with a nationwide better food choices initiative
  3. Create nationwide awareness via various media outlets and sponsored personalities
Unfortunately, lack of availability, prohibitory costs, & increasing societal automation are going to make these issues worse. Childhood obesity, poor motor skills development & poor parental bonding is an all too common occurrence amongst the families of Canada. I live in an affluent area where I see parents taking their kids on fun, active adventures all the time. But, that's not the case for most families and they rarely perform multidirectional movement together...that is about to change. With this blog and the FREE program (soon to be announced), and in addition to everything above, I will be attempting to:
  1. Help develop the both the adult & youth inner kangaroo
  2. Help build healthy, active relationships between kids and their parents.
  3. Lay the foundations of health & happiness