Live from BPCTI on Mon at 3:45pm ( u can replay for 24hr)
1. Does foam rolling work (SURE DOES)
2. Should most people foam roll? (YES)
3. Does rolling the ITband have a purpose (YUP)
I have included two great YouTube posts on the subject. The information they are presenting is very accurate and useful so please watch the videos. The key is to turn your foam roller into a tool, designed to either break adhesions or create the appropriate nervous system response. Both of which can change the outcome of foam rolling to the benefit of movement, flexibility, function and performance. On Mon, I will show you how to improve the outcome of your foam roller session :) (foam rolling isn't myofascial release) ( does not increase length of the ITband)
Wed (time to be announced)
I'm going to create significant controversy but it's time I bust these myths, particularly the heel loaded squat. Hip dominant squatting / heel loaded squatting creates dysfunction in a key posterior chain muscle, and is compounded by a societal based problem I call the sitting disease. I will show you why we need to change our squat coaching and follow that with one simple adjustment on how to change the outcome to posterior fascial function. Why do I care? Well 1) look how many views these 2 videos have and 2) I know how mind blown people are when I give them this life changing movement cue.
4. Should most people load their heels when squatting? (NOPE) ( 1,765,037 views) ( 1,806,782 views )
5. Is a neutral spine & proper alignment required / imp for bodybuilding ( DAMN STRAIGHT )
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